HAIL, Father, whose creating callBy A Collection of Hymns C.M. Hymn to God the Father. 1 HAIL, Father, whose creating call Unnumbered worlds attend; Jehovah, comprehending all, Whom none can comprehend!
2 In light unsearchable enthroned, Whom angels dimly see, The fountain of the Godhead owned, And foremost of the Three. 3 From thee, through an eternal now, The Son, thine offspring, flowed; An everlasting Father thou, An everlasting God. 4 Nor quite displayed to worlds above, Nor quite on earth concealed; By wondrous, unexhausted love, To mortal man revealed. 5 Supreme and all-sufficient God, When nature shall expire, And worlds created by thy nod Shall perish by thy fire. 6 Thy name, Jehovah, be adored By creatures without end, Whom none but thy essential Word And Spirit comprehend. Back to A Collection of Hymns index.