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GOD of my childhood and my youth,

By A Collection of Hymns

      C.M. Psalm lxxi.
      1 GOD of my childhood and my youth,
      The guide of all my days,
      I have declared thy heavenly truth,
      And told thy wondrous ways.

      2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs,
      And leave my fainting heart?
      Who shall sustain my sinking years
      If God my strength depart?

      3 Let me thy power and truth proclaim
      To the surviving race;
      And leave a savour of thy name
      When I shall quit my place.

      4 Oft have I heard thy threatenings roar,
      And oft endured the grief;
      But when thy hand has pressed me sore,
      Thy grace was my relief.

      5 By long experience have I known
      Thy sovereign power to save;
      At thy command I venture down
      Securely to the grave.

      6 When I lie buried deep in dust,
      My flesh shall be thy care;
      These withering limbs with thee I trust,
      To raise them strong and fair.

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