6-8s. Hebrews xiii. 20, 21. 1 O GOD of peace and pardoning love, Whose bowels of compassion move To every sinful child of man, Jesus, our Shepherd great and good, Who dying bought us with his blood, Thou hast brought back to life again!
2 His blood to all our souls apply (His blood alone can sanctify, Which first did for our sins atone) The covenant of redemption seal; The depth of love, of God, reveal, And speak us perfected in one.
3 O might our every work and word Express the tempers of our Lord, The nature of our Head above! His Spirit send into our hearts, Engraving on our inmost parts The living law of holiest love.
4 Then shall we do, with pure delight, Whate'er is pleasing in thy sight, As vessels of thy richest grace; And, having thy whole counsel done, To thee and thy co-equal Son Ascribe the everlasting praise.