6-8s. 2nd. metre. 1 COME, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire! Come, and my hallowed heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood; Now to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working let me feel, And know that I am born of God.
2 Thy witness with my spirit bear, That God, my God, inhabits there; Thou, with the Father, and the Son, Eternal light's co-eval beam; Be Christ in me, and I in him, Till perfect we are made in one.
3 When wilt thou my whole heart subdue? Come, Lord, and form my soul anew, Emptied of pride, and wrath, and hell: Less than the least of all thy store Of mercies, I myself abhor; All, all my vileness may I feel.
4 Humble, and teachable, and mild, O may I, as a little child, My lowly Master's steps pursue! Be anger to my soul unknown, Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone; In love create thou all things new.
5 Let earth no more my heart divide, With Christ may I be crucified, To thee with my whole soul aspire; Dead to the world and all its toys, Its idle pomp, and fading joys, Be thou alone my one desire!
6 Be thou my joy, be thou my dread; In battle cover thou my head, Nor earth nor hell I then shall fear; I then shall turn my steady face, Want, pain defy, enjoy disgrace, Glory in dissolution near.
7 My will be swallowed up in thee; Light in thy light still may I see, Beholding thee with open face; Called the full power of faith to prove, Let all my hallowed heart be love, And all my spotless life be praise.
8 Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire! My consecrated heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood; Still to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working may I feel, And know that I am one with God.