7s & 6s. The same subject. 1 THOU, my God, art good and wise, And infinite in power, Thee let all in earth and skies Continually adore! Give me thy converting grace, That I may obedient prove, Serve my Maker all my days, And my Redeemer love.
2 For my life, and clothes, and food, And every comfort here, Thee, my most indulgent God, I thank with heart sincere; For the blessings numberless Which thou hast already given, For my smallest spark of grace, And for my hope of heaven.
3 Gracious God, my sins forgive, And thy good Spirit impart; Then I shall in thee believe With all my loving heart; Always unto Jesus look, Him in heavenly glory see, Who my cause hath undertook, And ever prays for me.
4 Grace, in answer to his prayer, And every grace bestow, That I may with zealous care Perform thy will below; Rooted in humility, Still in every state resigned, Plant, almighty Lord, in me A meek and lowly mind.
5 Poor and vile in my own eyes, With self-abasing shame Still I would myself despise, And magnify thy name; Thee let every creature bless, Praise to God alone be given, God alone deserves the praise Of all in earth and heaven.