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LAMB of God, for sinners slain,

By A Collection of Hymns

      7s & 6s.
      1 LAMB of God, for sinners slain,
      To thee I feebly pray;
      Heal me of my grief and pain,
      O take my sins away!
      From this bondage, Lord, release,
      No longer let me be opprest;
      Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
      And take me to thy breast!

      2 Wilt thou cast a sinner out
      Who humbly comes to thee?
      No, my God, I cannot doubt
      Thy mercy is for me;
      Let me then obtain the grace,
      And be of paradise possest;
      Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
      And take me to thy breast!

      3 Worldly good I do not want,
      Be that to others given;
      Only for thy love I pant,
      My all in earth and heaven;
      This the crown I fain would seize,
      The good wherewith I would be blest:
      Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
      And take me to thy breast!

      4 This delight I fain would prove,
      And then resign my breath;
      Join the happy few whose love
      Was mightier than death.
      Let it not my Lord displease
      That I would die to be thy guest,
      Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
      And take me to thy breast!

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