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Meek and Lowly Saviour

By William Mason

      William Mason (1719-1791) authored a number of practical, devotional volumes for Christians and was highly respected in England for his legal service as a justice of the peace and later as a magistrate. These next two selections are taken from his daily devotional: A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God.

      Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest to your souls. (Matthew 11:29)
      Thus, with tender affection, speaks Jesus our Prophet to the lambs of his flock. He well knows we stand in need of daily instruction from him. He teaches us in the truth, as we are able to bear it. He knows the weakness of our understandings. He is "touched with a feeling of our infirmities." Therefore, lest our poor hearts should at any time conceive thoughts of him contrary to his nature and office, he says, "I am meek and lowly in heart." You find you are poor sinners; ignorant of many truths; exercised with many conflicts, trials, and temptations: do not think of me only as "the High and Lofty One, who inhabiteth eternity," but as dwelling also with humble hearts. Look not on me as an austere master, a terrible lawgiver, a severe judge, who watches over you for evil, and is ever ready to take all advantages against you. No: I am your condescending, meek, and lowly Saviour; your loving Friend and kind Instructor; therefore come and listen to my words. "Learn of me."

      What sweet encouragement is this! Art thou, O soul, tossed with temptations? harassed with corruptions? beset with sinful passions? Do these bring disquiet upon thy mind, distress to thy conscience, and prove a wearisome burden to thy spirits, so that thou dost not enjoy settled ease and rest? Remember thy Saviour's lowly character and kind advice. He hath an ear of grace for thy complaints, a heart of love to pity thee, a powerful arm to relieve thee. With sweet familiarity pour out thy heart to him. As a bosom friend tell him of thy sorrows, complaints, and fears. Always bear in mind his kind invitation, the loving meekness and lowliness of his heart, and the blessedness of his promise. He hath spoken it, and will he not bring it to pass? He hath said it, and will he not fulfill it? "Ye shall find rest to your souls;" such sweet tranquillity and inward composure as can be found in no object besides. Could the children of this world persuade us that there is no evil in their vain diversions and carnal delights; still, we know we cannot expect our Lord's presence, nor shall we find rest to our souls in all the delusive scenes of earth. No; but the more rest we find to our souls in Jesus, the more we are delighted with him; we become dead to all things that are contrary to spiritual peace and joy from him. "We who have believed do enter into rest;" and yet, we "labor to enter into rest." Hebrews 4:3,11

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