First and foremost Christ teaches resurrection and life. The power of Christianity is life. It brings us not merely law, duty, example, with high and holy teaching and admonition; it brings us the power to follow the higher ideal and the life that spontaneously does the things commanded. And it is not only life, but resurrection life. It begins with a real crisis, a definite transaction, a point of time as clear as the morning dawn. It is not an everlasting dying and an eternal struggle to live. But it is all expressed in a tense that denotes definiteness, fixedness and finality. We actually died at a certain point and as actually began to live the resurrection life. Let us reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:11). And death is only the pathway and portal To the life that shall die nevermore; And the cross leadeth up to the crown everlasting, The Jordan to Canaan's bright shore.