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The sweetness of the lips

By A.B. Simpson

      Spiritual conditions are inseparably connected with our physical life. The flow of the divine life-currents may be interrupted by a little clot of blood; the vital current may leak out through a very small wound. If you want to keep the health of Christ, keep from all spiritual infections, from all heart wounds and irritations. One hour of worry will wear out more vitality than a week of work; one minute of malice or jealousy or envy will hurt more than a drink of poison. Pleasantness of spirit and joyousness of heart are essential to full health. Quietness of spirit, gentleness, tranquility and the peace of God that passes all understanding are worth more than all the sleeping pills in the country. We do not wonder that some people have poor health when we hear them talk for half an hour. They have enough dislikes, prejudices, doubts and fears to exhaust the strongest constitution. My friend, if you would maintain God's life and strength, keep out the things that kill it. Keep yourself for Him and for His work, and you will find enough and to spare.

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