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Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Night-Hawk

By Harriet N. Cook

      I believe this is the only animal of any kind mentioned in the Bible, the name of which begins with N. It is named in the 11th chapter of Leviticus, among other birds, such as the owl, the cuckoo and the raven, which the children of Israel were not allowed to eat.

      It is somewhat like the owl in its shape, and in its large, full, round eyes. It flies at evening, and hides itself during the day from the bright light of the sun. It likes to live in lonely, dark woods, and when it comes out at twilight to get the insects that it lives upon, you could hardly hear the sound of its wings, it flies so very gently. It has a very wide, gaping mouth, which helps it to seize upon moths and flies, and its mouth is bordered with a row of stiff bristles, so that the insects may not escape again after they have been caught.

      The night-hawk belongs to the same family with the whip-poor-will; and, like that bird, it places its eggs on the ground in the shade of some thicket, with only a layer of withered leaves under them instead of making a nest.

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See Also:
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Ant
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Ass
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Bear
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Bee
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Camel
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Dog
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Eagle
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Fox or Jackal
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Goat
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Hart and Hind
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Horse
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Ibex or the Wild Goat
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Jerboa or Mouse
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Kite
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Leopard
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Lion
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Locust
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Mole
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Night-Hawk
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Ostrich
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Peacock
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Quail
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Raven
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Roe or Gazelle
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Scorpion
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Sheep
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Stork
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Turtle-Dove
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Unicorn
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Vulture
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Whale
   Scripture Alphabet of Animals: The Wolf


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