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Indwelling of the Spirit

By Leon Morris

      . . . He has not come as it were in passing, but that He has chosen to make His habitation with us. . .

      The Christian life, then, is a life of continual communion with God. . . He takes up His abode with us and in us. The Christian is never separated from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. . . God delights to dwell with us for the purpose of fellowship. It means that day by day we may know intimate communion with that Friend who "sticketh closer than a brother."

      . . . From the first stirrings of spiritual life until the end of his days the Christian must look to the Spirit of God.

      . . . The permanent indwelling of the Spirit is a very precious part of the Christian faith.

      . . . . Even the humblest believer has the right of immediate access to the very presence of God Himself (Heb. 10:19). The Spirit of God is within him. The Spirit of God informs and guides him. And where the Spirit is, there is freedom from pressing restraints. . . . The important point is that the individual believer is brought into the very presence of the Father through the activity of the Spirit. . . He has been adopted into the heavenly family, and he approaches the heavenly Father through the Spirit.

      . . . The circumstances of life have a cramping effect on most of us. Bu t the living God brings those who receive His Holy Spirit out into a place of large horizons (Spirit of the Living God, pp.   73-76).

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