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A Book of Private Prayer: Day 2

By John MacDuff

      Second Morning

      "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father's name written in their foreheads." Revelation 14:1

      And He said unto them, When you pray, say --

      MY FATHER, I draw near to You in the name of Him whom You hear always -- the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; the Lamb now standing on Mount Zion; the center of the adoring reverence and worship of the church above, yet who is ever waiting to receive the petitions of His church on earth, and present them to You -- the Father of an infinite majesty!

      Gracious God, accept of me in the Beloved. Inspire me with filial love and devotion. May my prayer be set forth before You as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the morning sacrifice. You have again dispersed the darkness of another night, and permitted me to see the light of a new day. Grant me Your blessing throughout its hours. Let me enjoy conscious nearness to You, my Father in heaven. May I covet, above all, Your favor and approval; and then, whatever else I lack, I must be happy.

      Before I enter on its duties, do sprinkle the lintel and door-posts of my heart anew with the covenant-token. I rejoice to think of that ransomed multitude -- the hundred and forty and four thousand -- the already ingathered of the church triumphant. That same blood which has secured for them pardon and peace, still cleanses from all sin; there is still forgiveness for all, salvation for all your redeemed children. I look to Him as my only Savior. Every blessing I enjoy, temporal and spiritual, emanates from the Lamb on Mount Zion! To Him may I be enabled to give the willing surrender and homage of an undivided heart.

      May all I have, be elevated and sanctified by the thought that it thus comes to me through His adorable merits -- the purchase of His cross and passion. O Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, I would follow You wherever You see fit to guide me. As God, You are mighty to save; as Man, You are mighty to pity and compassionate. Your sympathetic heart is responsive to every throb of human anguish. Your grace is promised to enable me to cope with all emergencies and vanquish all temptations. Over my spiritual enemies, in You I am more than conqueror!

      Bless Your whole church, the myriads of Your children throughout the world, who, whatever be the distinction of Christian creed and profession, have, better than all earthly symbol, their Father's name written in their foreheads. Hasten the number of Your elect. Prepare the world for the advent of its King. Let the year of Your redeemed come, when the shout of joyful welcome will be heard from "a people prepared of the Lord." "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace; who says unto Zion, Your God reigns!"

      Look in kindness on my beloved friends. May the Father's name be engraved in their foreheads also. Bless and sanctify them in their varied duties and engagements in the world; may they give You now the devotion of filial hearts; and at last may they be presented unblameable in the day of Christ's appearing.

      Compassionate Your sorrowing children. May all murmuring thoughts be hushed by the assurance -- "It is the will of my Father!" At present they may feel Your dispensations mysterious -- no silver lining in the cloud. But let them cherish the joyful confidence that when they come to stand by the luminous gates of glory, in Your light they shall see light; and sing together, without a jarring note, the song of providence and the song of grace -- the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.

      I would sum up these my unworthy petitions, in His strength-imparting, all-prevailing prayer -- "MY Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. May Your kingdom come. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

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      Second Evening

      "Will you not from this time cry unto me, My father?" Jeremiah 3:4.

      "Return, O backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto you; for you are the Lord our God." Jeremiah 3:22.

      I will arise and go to my Father, and will say unto Him --

      MY FATHER, I thank You for sparing me to see the close of another day. Your gracious hand has been around me throughout its hours, shielding me from peril, guarding me from temptation, upholding me with the blessings of Your goodness. Before I lie down to rest, I would supplicate Your pardoning mercy.

      Graciously forgive all that I have said or done amiss. If there is anything in the retrospect of the day, or of past days, which Your pure eye sees blameworthy, and which my own conscience condemns -- sins of omission or sins of commission; if I feel that I have not been walking and living and acting -- as seeing You who are invisible; if I have the humbling consciousness of suffering other lords to have dominion over me -- may I listen to the divine voice which has just spoken in Your Holy Word, "Return, O backsliding children!" And may I be ready with the response, "Behold, I come unto You; for You are the Lord my God."

      Strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die. With new self-surrender, may I answer Your own divine challenge, "Will you not from this time cry unto Me, My Father!" Saturate me with filial love. Quicken and stimulate every good resolution. May that gracious, paternal name hush all fears, and dispel all doubts, and inspire unwavering trust.

      I take refuge anew at the Redeemer's cross! I plead anew the ever-faithful saying, that He came into the world to save sinners. By His grace alone -- His free, sovereign, unmerited grace -- I am what I am.

      I have good cause, from saddening memories of my failures and faithlessness, to be distrustful of the future -- on Your same sustaining, restraining, energizing grace, may I be enabled to repose. Hold me up -- and I shall be safe! Let me live from day to day, and from hour to hour, alike in temporal and spiritual things -- with a realizing dependence on Your bounty.

      Bless my dear friends. Encompass us together now with Your favor; and, looking to You as our Father, fit us at last for the great family meeting in the home of heaven!

      Compassionate those in sorrow. May they, too, be hushed to quiet rest in the assured belief, that all which concerns them and theirs, is dictated by Your unerring wisdom. Amid the loss of earthly friends and the wreck of earthly portions, may they cleave to the Friend who never wearies and never fails and never dies -- "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever!"

      And now, as the curtains of night are drawn around me, I anew plead with You to wash out the defilements of the day. Blessed Intercessor -- the Brother in my nature, ever-living, ever-loving Lord, the Prince who has power with God, and at all times prevails -- pray for me that my faith may never fail. And so, in the words consecrated by being Yours, may I with filial confidence be able to say -- "MY Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. May Your kingdom come. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

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See Also:
   Day 1
   Day 2
   Day 3
   Day 4
   Day 5
   Day 6
   Day 7
   Day 8
   Day 9
   Day 10
   Day 11
   Day 12
   Day 13
   Day 14
   Day 15
   Day 16
   Day 17
   Day 18
   Day 19
   Day 20
   Day 21
   Day 22
   Day 23
   Day 24
   Day 25
   Day 26
   Day 27
   Day 28
   Day 29
   Day 30
   Day 31


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