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The Friend on the Road and Other Studies in the Gospels: Chapter 54 - Settling Down in Christ

By John Henry Jowett

      "Abide in Me."--John xv. 4.

      THE Lord Jesus Christ calls us to a settled life in His fellowship. But the difficulty is, our nature is so truant. The majority of us cannot settle down anywhere in anything. We are possessed of a spirit of restlessness, and we are the willing victims of constant change. We rush from one thing to another, and we do not tarry long enough at anything to make it disburse its treasure. It is a case of touch and go, not of quiet entry and deep possession. And so it is in our supreme relationship to Christ. We are vagrants, knocking occasionally at His door. We are rovers, paying Him infrequent visits. We do not settle down and abide in Him.

      It is a very practical and familiar word which the Master uses. It is used many times in the New Testament in its ordinary everyday relationship; "Zaccheus, come down, for to-day I must abide at thy house!" Abide with us, for the day is far spent." Our Lord invites us to live in Him, and to make Him our eternal home. Many of us go so far as to make Him our Church, where we occasionally worship Him. Or we make Him our hospital in those seasons when calamity is upon us, and our life is all in pieces. Or we regard Him as a kind of spiritual health-resort where we go now and again to take the medicinal waters. But we do not make Him our home. We visit Him, we do not live with Him. We look in, but we do not abide.

      And this it is, this want of a settled life, which makes our influence so capricious and our service so broken and constant. Our religious life is a series of incalculable spasms. It is like the eruptions of an irregular geyser, and not the ceaseless flowings of a noble river. And yet it is the river which provides the Scriptural symbol of a deep and healthy life. "Then had thy peace been like a river," abounding in great energy, splendid in its impressiveness, and wonderful in its continuity.

      Perhaps it may be truly said, even of our Church life, that it is too often a series of distractions which tend to make us erratic in spirit; and we wander about from cistern to cistern, just sipping of what is supposed to be the water of life, but having no abiding communion with the Spring. We need to settle down to deep and ever-deepening fellowship with our Lord. We must make our home in Him. All our flirtations with other loves must cease if we would know the joy and peace and power of the Lord. In Christ is our salvation.

      It was said by one of the friends of James Hinton that under the influence of the strong religious devotion which made it his habit for thirty years regularly to retire three times a day for prayer and communion with God, his character gradually mellowed and softened into a marvellous realisation of the Lord's presence. It was a touching word of Hinton's, "We are near home; may we be home-like!" So many of us, "in our religious life, have the conventional air of visitors, not the natural homelikeness of the children of the house. We don't look as if we lived there. There is a certain awkwardness, an uneasy restraint, a suggestion that we do not know the ways and speech of the house. We have not the glorious liberty of the children of God.' We are not as the sheep which, under the perfect defence of the shepherd, go in and out and find pasture." And yet this gracious intimacy, this ample freedom, are our abounding privilege in grace. We are not to remain on the frontiers of bondage--part friends and part bondslaves, half free and half bound, living in a sort of twilight of the kingdom. We are called right into the house of light, into the Lord's immediate presence, to be guests, nay, members of the family, at His bountiful table, and to enjoy unfettered intercourse with our Head. We are invited to abide in Him.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Critics and Surgeons
   Chapter 2 - The Challenge of the Closed Door
   Chapter 3 - How the Best Things Become Ours
   Chapter 4 - Sixpennyworth of Miracle
   Chapter 5 - The Peace of the Larger Life
   Chapter 6 - Education by Contagion
   Chapter 7 - The Tares Among the Wheat
   Chapter 8 - Things New and Old
   Chapter 9 - The Buoyancy of Faith
   Chapter 10 - Sound the Great Recall
   Chapter 11 - The Bright Cloud
   Chapter 12 - Mercy and Obligation
   Chapter 13 - The Simplification of Life
   Chapter 14 - Life's Perilous Heats
   Chapter 15 - Feverishness
   Chapter 16 - The Truly Sensational Life
   Chapter 17 - The Dominant Passion
   Chapter 18 - Doing the Impossible
   Chapter 19 - The Life I Should Live
   Chapter 20 - The Blessing and Discipline of Retirement
   Chapter 21 - Endless Possibilities
   Chapter 22 - The Price of Liberty
   Chapter 23 - The Dynamics of Expulsion
   Chapter 24 - Evils That Never Arrive
   Chapter 25 - Returning in Power
   Chapter 26 - The Old Tackle and the New Presence
   Chapter 27 - The Noble Dissatisfaction
   Chapter 28 - The Malady of Not Wanting
   Chapter 29 - Sentimentaltsm
   Chapter 30 - The Pedantic Conscience
   Chapter 31 - A Receiver of Wrecks
   Chapter 32 - The Supreme Test
   Chapter 33 - Fainting
   Chapter 34 - Doing the Impossible
   Chapter 35 - Divine Visitations
   Chapter 36 - Self-Possession
   Chapter 37 - The Treacherous Kiss
   Chapter 38 - The Friend on the Road
   Chapter 39 - Dull Scholars
   Chapter 40 - The Unknown Christ
   Chapter 41 - The Worst and the Best
   Chapter 42 - Increase and Decrease
   Chapter 43 - Hating the Light
   Chapter 44 - Heroic Goodness
   Chapter 45 - Living Words
   Chapter 46 - The Last Bridge
   Chapter 47 - The Ministry of Infusion
   Chapter 48 - Breaking the Awful Silence
   Chapter 49 - Preparing for the Miracle
   Chapter 50 - The Inner Door
   Chapter 51 - The Revelation in the After Days
   Chapter 52 - The Troubled Heart
   Chapter 53 - The Gift of Peace
   Chapter 54 - Settling Down in Christ
   Chapter 55 - The Joy of the Lord
   Chapter 56 - The Joy of Christian Life
   Chapter 57 - The Sense of Mission
   Chapter 58 - Living at Second Hand
   Chapter 59 - The Great Act of Receiving


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