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Devotional Hours with the Bible, Volume 7: Introduction

By J.R. Miller

      Devotional Hours

      with the Bible

      J. R. Miller,

      Volume 7.

      From the Gospel of John

      This eight volume set was published between 1908 and 1913.

      Volume 1 From the Creation--to the Exodus
      Volume 2 From the Exodus--through the Life of David
      Volume 3 Gleanings From the Psalms
      Volume 4 From Solomon--to Malachi
      Volume 5 From the Gospels, on the Life of Christ
      Volume 6 From the Gospel of Matthew
      Volume 7 From the Gospel of John
      Volume 8 From the Acts, the Epistles and Revelation


      The spiritual volume of the Gospel according to John is supreme. It would have been easy to extend these readings indefinitely, but it seems best to limit this volume to the size of the preceding ones. The aim has been to make the chapters simple, practical and devotional.

      There are two methods of studying the Bible. One is, verse by verse, giving close thought to every word, even looking into etymology and grammatical construction, so that the exact sense of the text may be learned. Commentaries that take us over the Bible in this microscopic way are valuable. We need every particle of light on the Scriptures we can get.

      Then another way of studying the Bible--is in order to get from it practical lessons for our own daily common life. What does the passage teach us? What Divine instruction have we in it for ourselves?

      It is not an exegetical study of the Scriptures that is now proposed. No textual criticism is given. There is no discussion of questions of dates, of localities, of authorships, or archaeological researches, etc. Its single aim is to suggest some of the spiritual and practical lessons which may be gathered from great passages.

      The book does not attempt to cover every chapter; to do this would make it altogether too long--it deals only with what appears to be leading and representative portions of the Bible.

      It is a book for use in the inner chamber where life receives its impulses for conduct, for duty, for service, and for devotion. The Bible is a very ancient book, but it is also a book for today. It brings us face to face with God, and its teachings are meant to guide us in all our ways.

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See Also:
   Chapter 1 - Christ the Life and Light of Men
   Chapter 2 - The Witness of John to Jesus
   Chapter 3 - The First Miracle in Cana
   Chapter 4 - Jesus Cleansing the Temple
   Chapter 5 - Jesus and Nicodemus
   Chapter 6 - Jesus at Jacob's Well
   Chapter 7 - The Second Miracle at Cana
   Chapter 8 - Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda
   Chapter 9 - Christ's Divine Authority
   Chapter 10 - The Miracle of the Loaves and Fish
   Chapter 11 - Jesus, the Bread of Life
   Chapter 12 - Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles
   Chapter 13 - The Slavery of Sin
   Chapter 14 - Healing the Man Born Blind
   Chapter 15 - Jesus the Good Shepherd
   Chapter 16 - The Abundant Life
   Chapter 17 - The Raising of Lazarus
   Chapter 18 - The Supper at Bethany
   Chapter 19 - Jesus Entering into Jerusalem
   Chapter 20 - Serving, Following, Sharing
   Chapter 21 - Washing the Disciples' Feet
   Chapter 22 - The New Commandment
   Chapter 23 - How Christ Comforts
   Chapter 24 - Why Does No One See God?
   Chapter 25 - The Way, the Truth, and the Life
   Chapter 26 - The Comforter Promised
   Chapter 27 - The Vine and the Branches
   Chapter 28 - The Spirit's Work
   Chapter 29 - Alone--yet Not Alone
   Chapter 30 - Jesus Prays for His Friends
   Chapter 31 - Christ Betrayed
   Chapter 32 - Jesus Before Pilate
   Chapter 33 - Pilate Sentencing Jesus
   Chapter 34 - The Crucifixion of Christ
   Chapter 35 - "It is finished!"
   Chapter 36 - The Resurrection
   Chapter 37 - "Peace Be unto You!"
   Chapter 38 - The Beloved Disciple


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