The Holy Spirit's PresenceBy G.D. Watson Dear Holy Spirit, who can know The Comforter Thou art, Till they have felt deep need of Thee From out a broken heart.
Ten thousand griefs, dear Lord, have swept Across this heart of mine, But every one has pushed me out Still deeper into Thine. I know Thou workest for my good, The soul's unfathomed pains, The deep, dark dungeon's doleful cries Thou turn'st to mellow strains. Thou art far sweeter than Thy gifts, Though they surpass all thought; And yet Thy presence in my breast With precious blood was bought. O Comforter! it is Thyself Who shows the blood to me, And in my mind revealest Christ Like an effulgent sea. No creature in this world can know The way Thou leadest me, Through storms and pangs and lonely griefs, From self out into Thee. Dear, peaceful Spirit, Thou hast borne My sad heart far away Into a gulf of tender love, Which melts it day by day. Blest Holy Ghost, to me Thou art A boundless crystal sea, And I can lose all loneliness When all alone with Thee. I have no wish in all the world But to be filled with Thee, And drink my being full of love From Thine immensity. Back to G.D. Watson index.