Text by Fred G. Zaspel, Copyright, 1995* Sing to the tune of "Morning Has Broken," traditional Gaelic melody
No condemnation Now in Christ Jesus! Great consolation -- Jesus has died! Our sin laid on Him, Full pardon gives us. Looking by faith dim, We're justified!
With judgment sure, must God recompense us? He perfectly just, What is our plea? This: "Christ is for us! Who is against us?" His blood shed for us Pardons, sets free!
In Him and through Him -- Christ our Defender! Praises all due Him, What mystery! God in Christ dying As the offender! His blood supplying Our pardon free.
Christ the great surety To those believing; He all the pur'ty God can demand Righteousness given -- Conscience relieving! By blood forgiven, In Christ we stand!
To Christ all blessing, Praise without measure! In Him we're resting, His peace made known. His all the labors -- Ours all the pleasure! God's gracious favors Through Christ our own.
When there before Him -- Then, in full glory -- We sing our new hymn, New praises give; 'Twill be this old song, Of Christ our glory; Through ages told long: "In Christ we live!"