By Billy Graham
It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.--Hebrews 9:27
THIS past year, one of the television networks aired a program called "The Day After." At the end, it was as if the entire earth was a cemetery littered with corpses. For millions, this picture was a disturbing and traumatic experience.
If imagining such a possible nuclear winter experience would cause millions to think of their future, how much more so should the fact that however the end may come for them, the real "day after" for those who reject Christ is not this grim oblivion but even worse judgment and eternal hell, which would make the T.V. portrayal seem like a picnic in comparison!
But your future does not hinge on the world situation, however grim it might become. It depends on what happened 2,000 years ago at the cross, and your acceptance or rejection of the Prince of Peace.
In updating this book, it has been our prayer that you will not delay finding the end of your Quest a moment longer. The time is far shorter than it was when this manuscript was originally written. Few of us know for certain when death will come for us. Make your Peace with God today.
O God, I am a sinner; I am sorry for my sin; I am willing to turn from my sin. I receive Christ as Savior; I confess Him as Lord; I want to follow Him, and serve Him and others in the fellowship of His church. In Christ's Name, Amen.