By Charles Wesley
Christ, my Life, my Only Treasure,
Thou alone
Mould thine own,
After thy Good pleasure.
Thou, who paidst my Price, direct me!
Thine I am,
Holy Lamb,
Save, and always save me.
Order Thou my whole Condition,
Chuse my State,
Fix my Fate
By thy wise Decision.
From all Earthly Expectation
Set me free,
Seize for Thee
All my Strength of Passion.
Into absolute Subjection
Be it brought,
Every Thought,
Every fond Affection.
That which most my Soul requires
For thy sake
Hold it back
Purge my Best Desires.
Keep from me thy loveliest Creature,
Till I prove
Infinitely sweeter;
Till with purest Passion panting
Cries my Heart
'Where Thou art
Nothing more is wanting.'
Blest with thine Abiding Spirit,
Fully blest
Now I rest,
All in Thee inherit.
Heaven is now with Jesus given;
Christ in me,
Thou shalt be
Mine Eternal Heaven.